
Saturday, 25 June 2016

Divisibility rule


Divisibility rule

This is the definition of divisibility rule

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Circulatory system

Tuakana                                                                                                                  24/06/2016

Circulatory system

Today I did a presentation about the circulatory system.
This system helps to pump blood through all the body cells.
 If you want more info just press play on the presentation.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Zoo designer

Tuakana 8/06/2016

Maths screenshot
Screenshot 2016-06-09 at 9.16.15 AM.pngZoo designerScreenshot 2016-06-09 at 9.15.52 AM.png

When I started playing this game I saw it was about the area of something or anything.  To play this game I had been given a number and a platform of small cubes to tell the area of something. I got a number that is 32 . So I had to figure out how much squares to use. By doing that I used the mouse and dragged it from the top left corner . The number that was given to me was an answer for a multiplication sum. To do this I needed to multiply the length with the width.