
Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Wood Technology - How to make a Dovetail Joint

Wood technology

Today in Wood Technology, my class and I were learning how to make a Dovetail joint.
The tools I used in class was a Tenon saw, a Wood Chisel, Wooden Mallet, a Try Square, a Bench Hook, a Bench Vise, a Steel Ruler, and a Pencil. In the process of making the Dovetail joint, I was first given a (170 mm) block of wood. The next step in the process was to cut the block in half with a Tenon Saw, with one side measuring at (80 mm) and the other with (90 mm) using a ruler. After that, I used any of the 2 blocks I had to measure the other one with (15mm) all around using my pencil to draw the lines. At the very end of the block, I  measured (20 mm) from left to right than vice versa. I also did the same with where I measured the line but instead by (15 mm) from left to right than vice versa again with the ruler. I then connected the two dots together on both sides as well as the top using a ruler and the try square so that all my lines were straight. Once I was ready, I used a Tenon saw to cut down the lines, I made sure to cut outside all the lines. The next step was to make a joint. I used the first joint I had to measure the other block so that it would fit perfectly using a ruler and a try square. Once I had measured the block, I used a waste block to put behind my block so that it wouldn't break. I then made sure that my block was in line perfectly with the bench vise and started chiseling the block inside. This joint was used to connect with the other joint I had as a practice in making a real wooden box. 

Monday, 29 April 2019


Today was my first time in Digitech. In today's lesson,
we learnt how to code games by playing the Maze game
and the Flappy bird game and coding every single step.
Each step in each of the games, we had to screenshot
the code and apply it into the presentations that I have
linked above. I used different types of blocks and codes
like repeat blocks, move forward blocks, turn left and right
blocks and many more. These blocks were able to help me
move forward to the games objective as well as completing
that certain level. As a result, I was able to get an idea of
what coding games are like and how to code games. This
lesson has really taught me a lot on coding and hopefully I
will get better at it.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

How to make fry bread - Food technology

How to make fry bread
Step 1 - Solve yeast with warm water for 5 minutes
Step 2 - Add 1 egg
¼ of sugar
¼ of butter
Step 3 - Mix in 1 ½ of plain flour and fry until golden brown

In today's lesson, we made fry bread. We began by adding 1 ¼ of flour into
my bowl. Then I added ¼ of sugar as well as ¼ cup of butter melted in the
microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds. After that I put oil inside the pan and
let it heat up, ready for cooking. In the end, I added the yeast that my teacher
made for us into the mixture and mixed it until it was smooth. Then it was time
for cooking, I put in 4 batches of the mixture each time and was able to make
7 fry bread. After we finished that, we cleaned up and enjoyed our meal. I’m
so happy I made the fry bread and hopefully I can make it next time.

Physical education - Option P.E 2

Reflection 2
Activity: Capture the flag
Date: 11/03/2019

  1. How did you show your self-management strategy in today's lesson?
The self-management strategy I chose in today's lesson was
“seeking feedback and/or feed-back”. This is when you either compliment
someone on their performance or when you get a compliment from
someone else about your performance. In the game of Capture the
flag, I showed this self management strategy by complimenting
others from my team. I always complemented everyone who
did something awesome in our team or whoever performed really
well. I either screamed out “yassss” or just went up to them and
gave them a shake on the hand. This is how I showed my
self-management strategy of “seeking feedback and/ or feed-back”
in today's lesson.

   2. Why did you choose that self-management strategy?
I chose this self management strategy of “seeking feedback and/ or
feed-back” because I want to be able to boost everyone's self-esteem
or by making them happy in the lesson so that they feel
comfortable in the environment there in as well as feeling included.
Like in the lesson of capture the flag, when one of my teammates
captured a flag from the other team I instantly went up to him and
gave him a pat on the back with a smile and complimented him on
how well he played. As soon as I did that, I instantly saw a smile light
up on his face and that made me really happy, It made me happy
because I was able to boost his self-esteem by making him happy.
This is why I chose “seeking feedback and/ or feed-back” as
one of my self management strategies.

   3. What happened as a result of you showing your self-management
As a result of me showing “seeking feedback and/ or feed-back”
in today's lesson, I was able to make someone happy as well as
boosting their self-esteem by complimenting them on how well
they performed. I was able to give them a pat on the back and
congratulate them on how well they played. This was the result
of how I showed “seeking feedback and/ or feed-back in today's

   4. Were there any improvements in your participation? Please
provide an example

Personally, I believe there was a bit of improvement because
I was able to make one person happy in that lesson when I
could’ve made more people happy or boosted their self-esteem
so that they feel included. Like in the game of capture the flag, I
was able to make that one person happy, I was able to put a
smile on someone's face and that was amazing. I wanna be
able to do that more often and hopefully I can in the next lessons we have.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Physical education - Option P.E

Reflection 1
Activity: Multi-sport
Date: 08/03/2019

  1. How did you show your self-management strategy in today's lesson?
The self-management strategy I chose was showing perseverance.
In the game of multi-sport I was able to show this because whenever
I had a feeling my team was gonna lose, I kept going. Whenever the
other team got a point, I never gave up and always worked harder to
win. Whenever I made mistakes, I sometimes felt like giving up but I
stayed and tried harder. No matter how hard my components
were or how many times I did mistakes, I never gave up on my
team and kept working harder. This is how I was able to show
perseverance in the game of multi-sport.

  1. Why did you choose that self-management strategy?
I chose the self-management strategy of “showing perseverance”
because I am a person who hates losing. I am a person who likes
to be right all the time as well as winning and when I don't
win nor am I right, I sometimes get frustrated. I would usually give
up and just move on so this is why I chose “showing perseverance”
as one of my self-management strategies. I wanna be able to move
away from that area and become more passive so that no matter if
i'm wrong or if lose, I won't take it to heart and be more calm about
the situation. Like in the game of multi-sport, I got frustrated at times
because the other team was 3 points ahead of my team. I hated the
fact that my team was losing and I literally just wanted to give up, but
I decided not too.  I decided to carry on with my game of multi-sport and
decided not to give up. At the end of the session, my team ended up
winning and I was very glad. I didn't rub it into other peoples faces
nor did I tease anyone, I just kept it to myself and carried on. This is
why I chose “showing perseverance” as one of my self-management

    3. What happened as a result of you showing your self-management
As a result, I learned a small part of how to be more persevere in
any activity or game I play as well as being able to control myself in
anything I do whether I'm losing or if I'm wrong. The game of multi-sport
helped me because I was able to put my skills up to the test. I was able to
examine whether I took losing or winning in a good way and not in an
aggressive or teasing type of way. In this case, I believe this self-management strategy helped me alot and as a result it went the right way.

    4. Were there any improvements in your participation? Please provide
an example
I believe there was an huge improvement. Why do I think this? Well
because in the game of multi-sport no matter if I was losing or whether
I was winning, I showed good sportsmanship and kept going no matter
what. I persevered in the team no matter how many times I wanted to give
up because of how far the other team was ahead of me. I wasn't gonna let
that take the best of me so I persevered. This is how I believed I improved in
that activity.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Food technology - How to make Spinach muffins

How to make spinach muffin

Step 1  
  • Add spinach
  • 1 Egg
  • 5 slices of Bacon
  • ½ of a Tomato
  • Cheese
  • ½ a cup of Milk
Step 2
  • 1 cup of flour
  • Mix and spoon each muffin
  • Bake 20 minutes (180 degrees)

In our lesson of making Spinach muffins, we first grabbed some
spinach and diced it all. My partner and I then diced up 5 slices
of bacon as well as ½ a tomato. After that we added 1 egg to
the mixture as well as 1 cup of flour and ½ a cup of milk. Once
we had finished the mixture, we used a wooden spoon and a
scraper to put it into a muffin tray with muffin cups. As soon as
it was all set up, we put it into the oven for about 20 minutes at
about 180 degrees. Once it was all cooked, my partner and I sat

down and had our delicious Spinach muffins.