
Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Chemical and Physical changes

Tuakana Chemical and physical changes 06/11/2017

What are physical changes ?
This is changes when you are able to reverse what has been done.

As you can see there is water inside a cup and ice on the other side. This is basically a physical change because when you freeze water it turns into ice and when you unfreeze ice it turns back into water, that is how you know that it is a physical change.

Facts about physical changes ?
  • It is reversible
  • The changes are only physical
  • This does not need light or fire in this

What are chemical changes ?
Chemical changes is when it is not reversible

As you can see there is a paper getting burnt. Apparently when a paper is burnt it turns into ash and that is it, because it cannot go back into paper then you know it is a chemical change.

Facts about chemical changes ?
  • It isn’t reversible
  • This produces light, smoke, gas and so on
  • There are usually one or more new substances formed or created from that change
  • Chemical changes happen everyday
  • There are different kinds of chemical changes



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