
Sunday 22 May 2016

How to make a cementing

Tuakana 22/05/2016

How to make a cementing mug ?

Materials You May be needing ?
  1. 2x Big long flat wood
  2. A working bench as well a saw
  3. A hammer/Nails Too
  4. Mug/Bowls/Spoons Choose any but only 1
  5. Cardboard
  6. Mini sized hooks
  7. Sellotape
  8. Paint Brushes and paint
  9. Small Ice cream sized container
  10. Cement
  11. NewsPaper/ but only if its rubbished
  12. Plastic cup
  13. Scissors
  14. Stick from a tree

This is an Artwork that my class has done but it is not that hard to do.

Rm 7 has done a magnificent kind of art that may contain a lot of tools. We used a range of tools and has put a lot of effort in this to make it. This Cementing mug can be used by any mug you wished for. Well let's get started.

First you want to make a frame for your cement to go into. TO start of you must get your working bench as well with your saw and Your 2x Long flat wood. Next you want to cut your wood into four pieces but 20 cm long. You can use a ruler or a Measuring stick to Measure it. Then you want to grab a Hammer and some Nails. For this part you would next Hammer in the nails from the sides. This only contains 4 nails and then once you're done it will look like a frame .

Next you will grab a cardboard and cut it out , make sure that the Cardboard is big enough to fit it on . Then you want to place the hook somewhere on your cardboard making sure that you sellotape the bottom of the hook to keep it sticked. Then you want to grab your frame and put it on the sellotape leaving the top of the hook outside of the frame. Then once you place the frame down you next want to sellotape the frame to your cardboard but on the outsides. Once your done that you will put something underneath you cardboard to hold it once you put the cement in.

Then you will start making the cement. SO You will grab a Ice cream bowl sized and a normal plastic cup. Now you will put 2 1/2 cups or 3 cups full of cement into the bowl. Using the same cup you will put 1 cup of water in your mixture. After that you will mix it with a stick from a tree for about 5 minutes or 3 until you have mixed all your cement. If you have finished making the cement you can then start putting it in your frame. You want to pour it all in and even if you have to you can use your hands to get all of it. Then You will use your hands to flatten it to be straight as well as  to size it to make it sized.

After that you can Leave it somewhere to dry off for about like 3 or 2 days. Once it is past 2 or 3 days you can take it out. By taking it out you can use for finger and push it down from the corners or sides. Once your done that if you can some cement sticking out from the sides you want to take one piece of the wood of and start scraping the sides. You do not want to put that much pressure on it because it could sometimes break . Finnaly once you're done you can then choose any colour of paint you would like then paint it on your cement. Then you just let it dry. So there you have it, that is how to make a cementing mug.


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